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Conferences and Events

Conference on Curiosity and Complexity

Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University

Postponed to 2021; stay tuned


Research Cluster on Curiosity - Ongoing 

Center for Science and Society, Columbia University


Philadelphia, 2018

Co-organized with Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Arjun Shankar, and Perry Zurn

London, 2016

Co-organized with Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Teodora Gliga


Bordeaux, 2014

Co-organized with Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Manuel Lopes


Brain Inspired
Podcast with Paul Middlebrooks and Bob Wilson.​

Scientific Sense

Podcast with Gill Eapen.​

Youtube Video

How does uncertainty hijack our attention?

YouTube Video

Information sampling in neuroscience and economics.​

Choose to Be Curious

Podcast with Lynn Borton.​


Curiosity in artificial intelligence and education.​

Wall Street Journal

Smart phones and distractability.​

Curious Robots

Machines programmed to explore.​

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